A big thank you to our partners that have teamed up with us so far!
STATE CUSTODIANS: State Custodians are our main sponsor, and with their help we will be running a similar competition in the Northern Territory www.statecustodians.com.au/
CAFÉ ART: Our Partner Café Art. Paul and his team have been invaluable in helping us get Café Art Australia and the MySydney calendar initiative up and running! cafeart.org.uk
FUJIFILM: Kindly provided us with 100 single use disposable cameras at no cost for the 2016 Photography Competition and another 100 for the 2017 competition. www.fujifilm.com.au
PRINTCRAFT: Printed our calendars at cost price for 3 years in a ro - 2016-2018. www.printcraft.com.au
JET BAR CAFFE: Located in the beautiful and iconic QVB building in Sydney, Jet Bar Caffe have kindly offered us space to run events as part of the 2016 Photography Competition on a number of occasions, including the camera drop off event (with unlimited coffee provided by John and his team) and the panel judging. www.jetbarcaffe.com
SYDNEY HOMELESS CONNECT & WESTERN SYDNEY HOMELESS CONNECT: The team at Sydney Homeless Connect invited us to their events being held at Town Hall and in Parramatta for us to meet with members of the community and give out cameras for the 2016 Photography Competition. www.sydneyhomelessconnect.com
AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHY MAGAZINE: Have featured our project to raise awareness to the photography community in Australia. Mike O'Connor the Editor of Australian Photography Magazine is a member of our expert panel of judges for our Photography Competition. www.australianphotography.com
ROUGH THREADS: Carrie and her team at Rough Threads have provided much appreciated advice on running a grassroots Not for Profit organisation in Australia. The Café Art Australia team were invited to meet with members of the Rough Threads Community in Manly. roughthreads.org
DARCY ST PROJECT: Provided us with a venue in Parramatta to meet participants returning their cameras as part of the 2016 Photography Competition. We are excited about prospects to partner with the Darcy St Project in more of their initiatives in the coming months! www.darcystproject.com.au
THE STATION: Partnered with us to give out cameras for the 2016 Photography Competition to members of their community. thestationltd.org
LENTIL AS ANYTHING: Have provided us with a space for both the 2016 and 2017 exhibitions. lentilasanything.com
THE WAYSIDE CHAPEL: We partnered with the Wayside Chapel for our pilot photography competition in 2015 and are grateful for their support. www.thewaysidechapel.com

Become a Partner
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our team will get back to you.